Excellently detailed minatures that need; nay, demand a good paint job.
Unfortunately, I painted these ones:
Apart from the photography, I really like the painting of these. Keeping the armour a deep, rich red with a feeling of depth with a little Chestnut Ink on top.
The blood drops aren't as I'd like them, no matter what I did, I could not get the effect I wanted.The shading though, is how I imagined at the start; fairly strong, adding to the armour shades.
Normally my Blood Angels are pretty much, slapped on. Base, a couple of coats of shade, a light drybrush of Bleached Bone (I don't use Orange normally), and the Purity Seal Varnish evens it out at the end.
First a shot of the Broodlord.
In real lighting, the Genestealers are a lot darker. Using a lot of inking and washes to get a two-tone blue-purple on the top and carapace, red for the musclular body keeping a shine on it as if still armoured.
I still need to revisit the claws to shade them in.
Finally a couple of closer shots of the Terminators to finish off.
Too much glare off the lighting to show off the armour, on this one.
The backs, especially the top highlights well, I think.
The armour blend shows up well on the right shoulder of Brother Valencio (to the right).
Now to fit them to interchangeable 40mm bases, for use in 40K or Space Hulk.
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