Apart from the weekend (contrary to popular belief, I have got a life) I have mostly been painting SoBs. All that is left is the basing to do, but i have had to break from that for a practice game tomorrow. I will finish them off later.
The basecoats are done here, from a black basecoat I pick out the armout in white then a diluted Hunter Green wash over. I do seem to be giving a too heavy coat of this at the moment. The colour does actually develop intensity with a staining action.
I also started to revisit the tanks, keeping it low key an picking out the grid panel suurounds in the green armour colour.
Next are the robes. After a disastrous period where I put different lining colours to denote squads; I am now just going to leave them the same as the outers. For tourneys I will have to mark the bases to differentiate squads.
First is a Devlan Mud wash (onto white) which can be seen on the right; followed by a Gryphonne Sepia wash (the left hand figure) to give it a worn leather appearance.Then for the bit I really enjoy (not!), picking out in Chaos Black: weapons, Piping, Metal trms, Fleur de Lisle (?sp), hair and faces.
I concentrate on the flesh bits, made so much easier now that I picked up some Tallarn Flesh ... a wash of Ogryn Flesh and the bring back up with Tallarn and Bleached Bone lightened Tallarn.
As you can see, I am doing a mix of models so to vary what I have to paint.
I think this is the last progress photo I have taken, but progress has been to overbrush the metals and weapons with Shining Gold and then Burnished Gold. If I have time I will add some Mithril Silver highlights, but that is not a priority at the moment.
This is at the flesh stage, note the Cherub (one of the Objective Markers I am doing as well). Feathered wings are the easiest to do; white, Devlan wash, drybrush Bleached Bone, pick out highlights with White again.
I have also prepped some City Fight terrain for the Vindicare Assassins base, but that will be placed last.
Back to the priority, picking a 1750 pt army.
Not counting what I am doing at the moment, and what is still in the "waiting box", I was suprised at what I now have to choose from. I dragged bits out from their dusty cases and this is what I had.
So, no problems then........................................... Ha!
I am going to go for a change in force for this. I am regretting it already, but looking forward to playing a different game. Only 5 (5!) Faith Points in this army, and almost 50% of the points are spent on HQ & Elites!!!!!!
I consoled myself with 4 Troops choices (2x Rhinos), so I may be able to live with myself. The crux is that I am fielding: Lord Karamazov, 10 Repentia with a Priest and Mistress, 5 ArcoFlagellents and a Vindicare Assassin (with a token Dominion squad and Immolator). So Close Combat should be covered, heh heh.
This slowed down painting when I was getting bright ideas to add combi weapons for the Veteran Sister Superiors (Combi bolter-stake crossbows already done) and to create another Rhino from an Immolator. But I am almost there now.
Cases packed for the game tomorrow, lets see how it goes.
I will post phots of some finished WH as soon as done.
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