Welcome. A veteran player of the 40K hobby from the Games Workshop.Not satisfied with standard "straight out of the box/blister" models; I like to "Konvert" to put my own interpretation or vision of how I want my figures to look. Often to project the "fluff" or for WYSIWIG. Some model ranges have a very limited variation or expression .... I like to introduce a change (Sisters of Battle). Some have an unlimited scope for variation (Orks).

WiP of Ork Trukk

WiP of Ork Trukk
Konverted from an action dragster. The engine rocks and the flames move along with the vehicle.


Thursday, 11 February 2010

Backlog Update -Sisters of Battle

I have been busy, honest!

Apart from the weekend (contrary to popular belief, I have got a life) I have mostly been painting SoBs. All that is left is the basing to do, but i have had to break from that for a practice game tomorrow. I will finish them off later.
The basecoats are done here, from a black basecoat I pick out the armout in white then a diluted Hunter Green wash over. I do seem to be giving a too heavy coat of this at the moment. The colour does actually develop intensity with a staining action.

I also started to revisit the tanks, keeping it low key an picking out the grid panel suurounds in the green armour colour.
Next are the robes. After a disastrous period where I put different lining colours to denote squads; I am now just going to leave them the same as the outers. For tourneys I will have to mark the bases to differentiate squads.
First is a Devlan Mud wash (onto white) which can be seen on the right; followed by a Gryphonne Sepia wash (the left hand figure) to give it a worn leather appearance.

Then for the bit I really enjoy (not!),  picking out in Chaos Black: weapons, Piping, Metal trms, Fleur de Lisle (?sp), hair and faces.
I concentrate on the flesh bits, made so much easier now that I picked up some Tallarn Flesh ... a wash of Ogryn Flesh and the bring back up with Tallarn and Bleached Bone lightened Tallarn.
As you can see, I am doing a mix of models so to vary what I have to paint.

I think this is the last progress photo I have taken, but progress has been to overbrush the metals and weapons with Shining Gold and then Burnished Gold. If I have time I will add some Mithril Silver highlights, but that is not a priority at the moment.

This is at the flesh stage, note the Cherub (one of the Objective Markers I am doing as well). Feathered wings are the easiest to do; white, Devlan wash, drybrush Bleached Bone, pick out highlights with White again.
I have also prepped some City Fight terrain for the Vindicare Assassins base, but that will be placed last.

Back to the priority, picking a 1750 pt army.
Not counting what I am doing at the moment, and what is still in the "waiting box", I was suprised at what I now have to choose from. I dragged bits out from their dusty cases and this is what I had.
So, no problems then........................................... Ha!

I am going to go for a change in force for this. I am regretting it already, but looking forward to playing a different game. Only 5 (5!) Faith Points in this army, and almost 50% of the points are spent on HQ & Elites!!!!!!
I consoled myself with 4 Troops choices (2x Rhinos), so I may be able to live with myself. The crux is that I am fielding: Lord Karamazov, 10 Repentia with a Priest and Mistress, 5 ArcoFlagellents and a Vindicare Assassin (with a token Dominion squad and Immolator). So Close Combat should be covered, heh heh.

This slowed down painting when I was getting bright ideas to add combi weapons for the Veteran Sister Superiors (Combi bolter-stake crossbows already done) and to create another Rhino from an Immolator. But I am almost there now.
Cases packed for the game tomorrow, lets see how it goes.
I will post phots of some finished WH as soon as done.

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About Me

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A modeller, gamer, painter; in order of preference (and more like skill as well). I usually have a huge backlog of figures and projects to get done. More often than not, I will have something waiting around for years, until "The Muse" takes hold and obsession takes over. This is then usually completed; ocassional projects do stall and are left at the basecoat and metal drybrushed stage (until I can get the drive for the detail painting). Armies i currently run are WH40K only: Orks (lots & lots & lots) Blood Angels (lots & lots) Witch Hunters (lots of Sisters of Battle) Iron Fists Space Marines (developing at approx 2000pts).