Welcome. A veteran player of the 40K hobby from the Games Workshop.Not satisfied with standard "straight out of the box/blister" models; I like to "Konvert" to put my own interpretation or vision of how I want my figures to look. Often to project the "fluff" or for WYSIWIG. Some model ranges have a very limited variation or expression .... I like to introduce a change (Sisters of Battle). Some have an unlimited scope for variation (Orks).

WiP of Ork Trukk

WiP of Ork Trukk
Konverted from an action dragster. The engine rocks and the flames move along with the vehicle.


Friday, 5 February 2010

A night in with scantily clad, nubile Valkeries in leather.

With "gimp" style headwear and 'Uge, vicious chainsaws!!!!!!!!!!

I think I'm on a roll. The Stormboyz out of the way, so I got started on a squad of SoB Repentias that have been hanging around. Why?
Well because I fancy fielding them in a small Tournament up at my local club in 2 weeks time (the Immortals - GCN).

These were a trade via a Warhammer Forum site Heresy-Online , I swapped a couple of squads worth of Chaos Space marines (CSM) that I had accumulated. Despite the bad rep that Repentias have (in game terms); I still wanted them.

So in a general state of disrepair, some drilling and pinning needed, then onto the painting ...... Oh no. Flesh tones and .... faces! I am hopeless at both techniques.
Pinned and onto bases, I still went against my usual practices and as a homage to the trade, I picked out a CSM from the bitz box to add to the base of one of the Repentia.
Hacking him up and repositioning limbs etc, then a razor saw cut from his left shoulder diagonally (almost in twain), a few drops of plastic glue and press the torso back together for a while; the join melts and when teased apart gives an effect like viscera and clotting.
A long pin through his chest to mount the leaping Repentia, and it is done.

Painting was the simplest method available (I am not going for "Golden Demon" standard here. I don't expect them to survive long enough on the Gaming Table for anyone to take interest of them, anyway.
A Bronze Flesh basecoat for the skin and eye holes, pick out the clothing with Chaos Black and  the hoods/ loincloths mainly Scab Red (onto White). Everything got a Devlan Mud wash. Back over with Bronze Flesh & highlight with Elf Flesh, Baal Red Glaze over the Reds.

The Mistress was painted to my SoB army colours for her Armour, with Shining Gold trim (over Black). The armour colouring is nice and simple also: Pick out the armour in White andd thin down a Forest Green to wash over the armour. It retains a staining of the armour, darkening into the recesses, to provide shading at the same time.

From there, it was a case of "standard" basing procedure (see the Stormboys Post).

 And they are done. Just don't look closely at the eyes (or lack of them)

If only all of my painting is that easy.

Not content with this squad, I had a need to finish off the centrepiece of my Sisters Army .... St Celestine.

I posted up a bare metal conversion, after my kit bash with bits of the Fantasy Wizards Pegasus wings, a Halberd affair instead of the "poxy flowery sword", adding a green-stuff base and flames for the Halberd (some guitar string for the hose). Now to finish the painting (I was stuck at the face ..... as usual).

The armour was a bit basic gold as well, so I gave it a Flesh Wash (which sort of Reddened it a touch).

With a frustrating time on the face (again) ,I eventually gave up on trying to get the right eye done, and extended the hair "blowing" over the area. 
Based the model and quit while i was behind.


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About Me

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A modeller, gamer, painter; in order of preference (and more like skill as well). I usually have a huge backlog of figures and projects to get done. More often than not, I will have something waiting around for years, until "The Muse" takes hold and obsession takes over. This is then usually completed; ocassional projects do stall and are left at the basecoat and metal drybrushed stage (until I can get the drive for the detail painting). Armies i currently run are WH40K only: Orks (lots & lots & lots) Blood Angels (lots & lots) Witch Hunters (lots of Sisters of Battle) Iron Fists Space Marines (developing at approx 2000pts).