Welcome. A veteran player of the 40K hobby from the Games Workshop.Not satisfied with standard "straight out of the box/blister" models; I like to "Konvert" to put my own interpretation or vision of how I want my figures to look. Often to project the "fluff" or for WYSIWIG. Some model ranges have a very limited variation or expression .... I like to introduce a change (Sisters of Battle). Some have an unlimited scope for variation (Orks).

WiP of Ork Trukk

WiP of Ork Trukk
Konverted from an action dragster. The engine rocks and the flames move along with the vehicle.


Saturday, 29 May 2010

Agggghhhh! moving and modelling

Well, it has been a while since doing anything constructive (or constructing) but as the title says ..... one of them had to go.
It was the modelling .........
Only for a while though. I am now ensconced in a new abode, with a small room now dedicated to the hobby (with shelves and everything - huzzah!), unfortunately still containing piles of boxes and stacks of other detritus. So it is still difficult to get at everything just yet.

I have not been idle though; just not a lot done.

I have put together around 40 (yes .. forty!) Terminators, and stil have some more to do just waiting for some FW Blood Angels Termie pauldrons.

With the wonderful advent of the new BA 'Dex, I have de-sprued a box of Death Coy and Sanguinary Guard, and have blisters of: Astorath (the Grimy), the Sanguinator ("I'll be back!") & the new Lemartes ("Don't make me angry!"). Also picked up an extra Apothecary for Sanguinary Priests and will do a Termie version.
edit: Oooh!, I'd forgotten the new Baal....... Hhhmmm flamestorm cannon....
I have unbuilt Space Marines to use up the spares from the BA boxes, so I am ready to revisit my Sons of Sanguinius.

Watch this space........

It will now be a focus on the upcoming Attack! 2010 tourney, but wether or not I can put together a new BA army in time for it, is another question. I will probably bring out the Sisters revamp for that.
Decisions, decisions....

Meanwhile, there was the Bristol Vanguard tourney at Easter ... a great time was had .. though it really showed up my rules knowledge (apologies to my opponents, they were very patient and understanding), so re-reading and more games are needed.

I will be back soon.

About Me

My photo
A modeller, gamer, painter; in order of preference (and more like skill as well). I usually have a huge backlog of figures and projects to get done. More often than not, I will have something waiting around for years, until "The Muse" takes hold and obsession takes over. This is then usually completed; ocassional projects do stall and are left at the basecoat and metal drybrushed stage (until I can get the drive for the detail painting). Armies i currently run are WH40K only: Orks (lots & lots & lots) Blood Angels (lots & lots) Witch Hunters (lots of Sisters of Battle) Iron Fists Space Marines (developing at approx 2000pts).