Welcome. A veteran player of the 40K hobby from the Games Workshop.Not satisfied with standard "straight out of the box/blister" models; I like to "Konvert" to put my own interpretation or vision of how I want my figures to look. Often to project the "fluff" or for WYSIWIG. Some model ranges have a very limited variation or expression .... I like to introduce a change (Sisters of Battle). Some have an unlimited scope for variation (Orks).

WiP of Ork Trukk

WiP of Ork Trukk
Konverted from an action dragster. The engine rocks and the flames move along with the vehicle.


Sunday, 31 January 2010

Backlog update: Stormboyz Part 2

The painting has started, so a little progress.

The ork skin has settled to this format with me;

Dry brushing the metal areas, which at the moment starts with a Tin Bitz: Brazen Brass: Gunmetal Silver mix, keeping it fairly dark (I will highlight with silver later).
Orkhide Shade as the base, building up to highlights with Orkhide: Knarloc Green as the main skin; lightening it upwards with additions of Gretchin Green etc.
Pretty roughly in most cases, I admit.
But with hordes, it does get very tiring, very quickly.

For the Bosses I usually stop at the second gragual highlight (to leave them darker overall). Where the grots are concerned, I usually just start from Knarloc and cover them with light tones.

This is not as labour intensive as it sounds. Using an overbrushing technique (like drybrushing, but don't overload the brush and drag across the area with the flat of the bristles), lifting the pressure with each coat and selecting the prominent areas to catch.

The next Phase is nice and simple; a 1:1:1 mix of water, Asurmen Blue, Yellow ink. Washed over the skin areas it gives a varied green tone (hue) that also does a good job of blending the highlights.

This does give a general yellowy tone that I like. Thanks go out to the person who converted me over to this. Previously I would just do a light drybrush and let the Matt Varnish spray blend it.

As you see, I didn't stick to just the Stormboyz, I cleared another couple of things in line.

There we have  that stage complete;
Now for the really fiddly bits, faces, clothing, basing etc.

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Showcase: My Armies

As a slight distraction from the Stormboyz (painting them in piecemeal at the moment.) I thought I would just post up a couple of bits from my other forces; any general photos that I have handy.
So here goes.

A small portion of my speedfreeks:

The Deffkopters have now swollen to 17 strong, with approximately 4 trukboyz mobs and 2 Battlewagons.

Here we have1500 pts of My Space Marine Chapter: The Iron Fists.

Spookily they are a minor colour variant of my Blood Angels (as I have in excess of 1200 pts, I'm adapting what I have.

The Dread drop pod is a scratchbuild prototype with working doors and rotating Stormbolter, that I made from a (very quickly removed) template from GW. This allowed card drop pods to be made, I tried it with foamcard, styrene junior enginering and trial & error.

This one heads up with Capt Xander (Lysander) and a Sternguard retinue, but I have ChapterMaster Canter (Kantor) and a Master of the Forge to add.

These are the concept designs for the Chapter. Trooper & Veteran included

From the Excellent Design Template, the Link included below.
Yes I did leave a contribution. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/smpbeta.php

For the Sisters of Battle:

I have this colour scheme for The Conclave of ABBA. The vehicles are a lovely 1980s gold lame effect, and the armour is supposed to be marbling effect; but i couldn't do it, so it ended up as a light wash of green.
I do need better pictures of these, especially the Seraphim (made with Swooping Hawk Exarch wings).
Recently added are: Inquisitor Karamazov (I love him), A squad of Redemptionist to paint up, and St Celestine (her face to finish).

Of the Blood Angels ...........
I am completely suprised that I have almost no photos available on them.

All I have at the moment is a poor shot of my Space Hulk Termies

I love the paintjob I managed on the armour for these; I actually went for glossy for a change. (definitely better photos needed).

So, just a quick taster of whatever I have.

A Celestine WiP and two kitbashed Trukk WiPs

Thanks for looking; the Stormboyz up next.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Clearing the Lines - A backlog update

True to my word I have done something to alleviate the M25 style jam with some progress on the first in the queue - The Stormboyz.
I decided to start with the Orks because of a Weekend Campaign that was being planned by one of our local GW staffers:

The Battle for Rynns World.

Of course, I couldn't miss the opportunity to field lots of the green Menace, and wanted to field some of the units that had been stagnating in my boxes. Unfortunately (for me, not for him as he has good things to occupy himself in the meantime), the event has a rain-check until March 'ish .
This shall not deter me though; "Nay, nay & thrice nay, I say!" I shall stick to Da Plan!

For the Update (not exciting pictures):

The Stormboyz were dug out, rebuit or repaired, pinned where necessary and stuck together. Although many have said that the Zagstruk model fits together securely on its own; a force of habit ... I pinned it anyway.

The rest needed the old style rokkit packs pinning to the spare figures I had assigned as new recruits (mainly old Tankbustas).

As another habit, anything that needs supergluing (including plastic to metal) such as the arms, and rokkit packs, I go through the fiddly process of scoring the surfaces with a blade (crosshatching #). This gives a stronger bond by increasing the available surface area.

So, stage 1 - assembly complete :), 19 Stormboyz and Zagstrukk assembled, with 1 botch-job of a scratchbuilt rokkit pack to boot.

Stage 2 - Priming

A basic Chaos Black spray for most of them, with topping the rest off with a brush.


The next job is Stage 3 - painting ..... Oh my favourite bit (was that convincing enough?)

I would have got started on it today, but was distracted by "Shiny stuff", some more Adeptus Sororitas (Sisters of Battle A.K.A. "Nuns with guns") arrived, so I had to de-flash, drill out gun barrels and assemble them. They are next on the backlog list because I want to field a new combination of units for a small local Tournament (at the GCN - The Immortals) in February (1750 points).

Painting will have to wait for tomorrow then; "Oh dear. What a shame, never mind"

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

"Please form an orderly queue, a gamer will be with you shortly"

We all have them (unless you are superhuman or organised).

As a small break from the Stompa, I thought that I would dig out the mob of Stormboyz & Zagstruk that has been sitting in my "To Do Box".

Now, I haven't fielded Stormboyz since 3rd Edition 40K, and I had got rid of the originals a long time ago. Then came the last Codex;  Zagstruk and  a larger mob size.

So I started picked odds 'n ends of e-bay as cheaply as possibly (hence the mixture and conditions). I picked up Zagstruk a few months ago but still not done anything with them.

Well; No longer! Ahhh Haah!

Unfortunately I also came across a couple more "To Do" items for the Orks (note: I am not mentioning the other races at the moment).

In order to kickstart myself, I'm going to post up here to remind me and hopefully embarass myself to get them done (I have the time at the moment).

For "Cashier Number One":  The Stormboyz & Zagstruk

"Cashier Number Two": The Nobz Biker Mob Painboy

An Eldar Warwalker build konversion that is still at the basecoated and drybrushed stage (If I stall..... then this is where it usually happens).

Doh! I forgot ... no photo yet, but there is also Wazdakka Gutzmek (the Mk VI version), to finish off. I have just upgraded him with the Warboss from AoBR and a little work on "the bike of the Aporkalypse".

"Cashier Number Three": Da Lawnmowa

This has been stalled for about 3 months now; I had the Battlewagon upgrade sprue, but no battlewagon at the time (Hey .... it was shiny!). A rummage around the bitz box and I found almost enough bits for a Deffdredd, providing that I "count as" the Deffrolla as 2x DCCW.
The idea of the clanking monstrosity pushing the rolla like a lawn mower was too much to resist. Although I did have to do some playing around with fitting it. The brackets were extended with Styrene Rods that allow it to be removed (careful sizing and a little "play" in the roller arms), as well as vertical rotation.
Heh heh .... Bam, bam!

Cashier Number Four: Battlewagon
A straightforward one this, it just needs painting (red of course!).
Cashier Number Five: A Meganobz Mob
I managed to pick 3 up for only £10 ........ the others were included in other bundles I got; so with one other that I already had, here is my bodyguard for Ghazkhul Mag Uruk Thraka in an Apocalypse game.
Well that is just a small blather of what is on my mind at the moment, and it seems to be all Green.

Time to get on with the first in the queue; "Deff from Above!!"

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

WiP - Stompa, Part 3 - Access Ramp

Moving on with with the project (Ok, I admit that I'm talking in the past sense), time for a doorway.

From earlier thoughts, the options were: front or back; the back has too much detail to lose, although it does have a flatter and broader surface that would help for a larger ramp.
The front though would be representatively acceptable, less detail to lose, but severely limited on the size that I can cut (more on that later).

The front panel (front facing), I left off because I'm great! (note: PPPPPPP - "Prior preparation & planning, prevents p*$% poor performance")
Well almost ....... Things to change:
  1. I should not have glued the halves of this panel together, before starting to hack at it.
  2. The margins; top and bottom could be extended to create a longer ramp. (the top can still be done, but the bottom will be too much aggro now the hinge is done)

The pattern of panels creates a pretty good outline for a doorway so I followed a general template that was there. Firstly, I scored around the Grot observation panel to the lower left of the panel to replace with a plain plate (just below the blue plate), this was awkward but doable (see note 1, above!). For 2 reasons: I needed a flat surface on the inside (the mould is a block in the panel rear), and .....I rushed into it without looking for an easier way, such as just cutting down the reverse side and covering it up.

 With a razor saw, I scored along the the convex face of the panel until I could get a sawing purchase around the template and remove the central portion (shown by the drybrushed styrene grid patterns stuck onto the rear, in the phot above). This created a "Skullcap" that reasonably sat in place. The Orky Glyphs were added to the front,  overlaying on either side to prevent it falling in to the Mekshop (top photo).
The hinge was trial & error with a "guesstimate" cut away of the the bottom section of the ramp; and the top edge of the adjacent front panel surround. Using hollow styrene rods of different diameters that can slot into one another; 3 sections of large diam & 1 length of smaller diam(through all 3).
  1. The outside sections were secured to the bottom (outer panel) with superglue and hot glue.
  2. The centre section was secured to the bottom of the  ramp itself.
  3. Ensuring a free rotation about the long rod through all 3 (careful gluing at this stage)
This is a tried and trusted method that I have done previously on a scratch built Dredd Drop pod in foamcard (note: I need to make some more of these, so a future WiP for the blog).

The hot glue does have a certain amout of elasticity to allow for a good range of movement. This was extended by gently clamping the ramp fully open and leaving for a day.

Et Voila!!

You may have noticed that I didn't (couldn't) stop there; I had to carry on messing about, so I installed a crane onto the inside of the front panel. Plus, it couldn't be a static fitting (I like dynamics).
Back to the bitz box ... : the wreckerball bit from the Battlewagon, styrene tubes, and a bit of girder later .......                                                                                          
The fittings are secured to the panel, with the wide bore tube. A smaller bore attached to the crane assembly, which then just slots into it from above, giving at least 180 deg rotation into the Mekshop and out over the extended ramp.

It is now an interactive action figure.

The Mekboyz are happy bunnies.

What next? It is going to be an Evil Eye in da Sky Stompa (GW Stompa Datasheet ), so.
Still to do:
  • Paint the peripherals: weapons, arms, rokkits etc,.
  • Build a SuperDooper Rokkit!
  • Build Rokkit mounts (probably to allow removal when expended)
  • Build the Kopta platforms (storage, assembly and launch)
  • LED project
  • Paint it RED!!!!
"Red Wunz go Fasta!!!!!!!!!"

I will continue with the project, but I need a sabbatical to get Zagstrukk and a load of Stormboys done; watch this space.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

WiP Stompa with interior detail, Part 1

Well, after having a Stompa languishing in its box for over 8 months, I decided that "enough is enough!"

Here I will apologise that as with most of my projects; I get carried away and just start building without documenting. These photos are well into the basic construction and base painting (metallics, rust, interior layout and painting etc) but there is lots still to do on this, as my ideas and plans are developing continually.

I am going to log some of my thoughts and rational for changes in direction as I go along. Any comments, questions or advice are most welcome at any stage.

With the initial concept of having the Stompa disgorge 2 Deff Dredds onto the battlefield, I had the primary concern of creating a narrative visual effect (by way of a ramp/ door). This then lead to needing some sort of interior as well.

So, to the bitz box!............

Tools & Materials:
Standard tools for the Stompa itself, with extensive use of a razor saw, hot glue gun and: styrene rods, girders and sheets (plain & grid-patterned). Sprue offcuts and the ubiquitous "Bitz box.

Firstly, in order to get at the interior; only 3 sides were attached (with the top and front panels left off for the moment. This was also good for easier manipulation of the front, to create the ramp.

Note; In gaming terms the access point is to the rear, but the model itself restrict any meaningful cutting. So this will be a representation for aesthetic effect (any models will be transfered to the rear in a game).

Arms, weapons etc were put together for painting and attaching later, as I'd easily break things when working on the interior.

The Interior Plan:

True to GW scaling of vehicles, there really is not much room available, so the plan was to creat the effect of the Stompa interior (visualise; girders, platforms, ladders, junk!!!). This I did with a loose perspective in mind .... the floor throughout, then back and sides of ecclectic support infrastructure.

By hot gluing styrene girders etc., I took this all the way up to the head plate and to the front panel (not encroaching into the clear ramp area).

Apologies again for not having the "white stage" of construction, but it was a case of ...... cut/snip, place to see, then glue.

I will post the detail and explanations on the interior a little later ("just trying to get to grips with this Blogging/posting/formatting lark", it is my first time!!!!!), for now I sprayed the whole lot black and drybrushed metallics and rust etc., to bring some detail out of the superstructure.

For now, a general shot of the interior from front and overhead.

I hope you enjoy.


WiP - Stompa with interior detail - Part 2

Moving onto the interior:

Building up a 3-sided "framework" of structural gubbinz left a stage area to use against this backdrop. Adding an overhead superstructure that extended forward to the front panel completed the frame, now all I needed to do was decide what to do as an appropriate focal point.

At this point, the idea of a plain holding bay to hold embarked models (similar to a landing craft/APC) lost its appeal. As a diorama; a preparation/ assembly/ workshop area began to form. I could visualise that due to restricted space a similar arrangement to an Aircraft Carrier would be a suitable practice (i.e. wings folded until ready to launch the aircraft), So Dredds or such would be brought around to the "launch area and have its weapons fitted just before stomping down the ramp (a la Wallace & Gromit).

This then opened up opportunities for a Mekshop when I finally decided that this Stompa would become an "Evil Eye in da Sky" to go with my Speed Freeks. Repairs on Deffkoptas etc., fitting nicely with the Aircraft Carrier idea.

Starting from the rear, as a central focal point a generator plant took shape. From the battlefield accessories; a large crate, onto which one of the Landraider internal detail panels was filed down (it is reversible detail), showing some hand tools and a winch. Perfect.

At the base of this panel are some output points; which using some stripped flex (with their own plastic sheathing left on) was coiled and superglued into shape. These were then sprayed black then matched to the output colour coding.

Superglue-tacked onto the floor, we now have snaking cables (with bared ends!!!). These add to the Mekshop feel and should not intefere with embarked model placement, too much.

The interior is rather gloomy, and will be even more so when the front and top panels are fitted, so a bright blue colour was splashed on. A bit more of weathering for it is still to be added.

This leads me on to the idea to fit LED lighting for the interior. I am in the process of search supplies for this; not easy in the UK.

I don't fancy starting from scratch with soldering and selecting resistors etc., so I am looking for a pre-done kit: KISS style (keep it simple, stupid!).

It is easy to identify what I want ..... just finding a stockist is proving difficult. It maybe cannibalisation of whatever I can find around the house (there are tons of LED stuff around: torches, toys, old electricals (power indicators)).

Why waste all the work on the interior if you can't see any of the detail!

With this shot of the starboard side, you can see where I started to populate the "dead space" behind the superstructure. Crates and drums, cans, cylinders then a vignette of a "fewl" point made from a Skorcha trailer I had spare...... Yes, I'm an Ork player, so I have a bitz box, the size of Asia.
No water effects used, as normal glue is sufficient to create a puddle/spill on the floor

There was no hardship adding these bits as most were already painted or taken from existing scenery pieces. I just had to resist completely stacking and cramming bits in, for the sake of it.; I still have Grots and a Mekboy to fit in.

On the Port-side, I have left it pretty much clear. From the effect on the other side, it wasn't much use piling stuff behind as any detail will likely be lost when the panels are on.
I think a Grot will be the most I'll put in there.

OK, I think that this is a convenient stop point for now. I will carry on with the front panel and ramp assembly next time.
Still lots to do.

About Me

My photo
A modeller, gamer, painter; in order of preference (and more like skill as well). I usually have a huge backlog of figures and projects to get done. More often than not, I will have something waiting around for years, until "The Muse" takes hold and obsession takes over. This is then usually completed; ocassional projects do stall and are left at the basecoat and metal drybrushed stage (until I can get the drive for the detail painting). Armies i currently run are WH40K only: Orks (lots & lots & lots) Blood Angels (lots & lots) Witch Hunters (lots of Sisters of Battle) Iron Fists Space Marines (developing at approx 2000pts).