Mekaniak - Warhammer 40K

Welcome. A veteran player of the 40K hobby from the Games Workshop.Not satisfied with standard "straight out of the box/blister" models; I like to "Konvert" to put my own interpretation or vision of how I want my figures to look. Often to project the "fluff" or for WYSIWIG. Some model ranges have a very limited variation or expression .... I like to introduce a change (Sisters of Battle). Some have an unlimited scope for variation (Orks).

WiP of Ork Trukk

WiP of Ork Trukk
Konverted from an action dragster. The engine rocks and the flames move along with the vehicle.


Saturday, 23 April 2011

Aaahaa! (no! not the awesome 80's "super"group)

Finally, stage one of the world domination plan (to get so many Blood Angels units that will never see the light of battle...........................Doh!) is now completed:

Shooty Dreads:
Based and ready to go.

                                                                             Slice 'n dicey dreads:
Although I think the Furioso will see the field more than the DCF.

Then a couple of the specials/ characters:
The Librarian is a few years old, along with Corbulo and the far right Sanguinary Priest (SP).
The SPs will figure in a new army, including Corbulo.
The Libby ...... perhaps.

                                                                                          As staple requirements; the Chaplains:
I will really have to have a complete mind-shift to leave theses out of any army. It has always been a necessity to include them (in the past).

The additions to the "old" DC chaplain are the Powerfist version, and the new Lemartes.
Lemartes in this incarnation seems to add a new level of effect and fluff .... great.

A quick mention is to the DC version of Erasmus Tycho.
Now that he is viable, after such a long time; now in 2 versions .... I just have to find slots for him in routine games.
For this I already have his 3rd Company available for deployment ( the entire 3rd Coy!!!!!) Heh heh heh,
I only have to decide if I stick with his old banner backpack or match up with the DC Tycho?

Well it is time to meet the Boys.
Please welcome.........

The 6th Company, 9th Legion; The Blood Angels 
(well, 6 squads of them, at the moment)

Company Insignia: Two Yellow Teardrops side by side

As usual, I have gone through the nightmare that is; adding squad and company markings via those wonderful bits of GW technology, the waterslide transfers.
It can't be just me; they do not work easily, do not fit properly and don't b&%*(! stay on!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, the squad markings are thus:

Right knee pad when able.

The skulls were the worst, when there just aren't enough of the really small ones from the old Death Company sheets, around anymore.

                                                                                               To support these, when on the battlefield; I have also taken to marking the back bases for squad ID.

Right to left: 
Squads: 1,2,3,7,8 &9

Onward to the Squads.

Squad 1:
Tactical: (Skull on a black background)

Sgt with Power Weapon & plasma pistol (yep, unorthodox).

Multimelta and melta gun.

                                                                                              Squad 2:
Tactical: (Skull on a blue background)

Sgt with Bolt pistol & powerfist

Missile Launcher & melta gun.

This is a blending of my old style Veteran Sgts, who were the barded DA models to differentiate from routine Sgts; back when we had to pay extra for abilities.

Squad 3: 
Tactical: (Red teardrop on a yellow background)

Sgt with plasma pistol and powerfist.

Missile Launcher & (you guessed it..) melta gun.

                                                                                                Squad 7:
Assault: (Black lightning on yellow background)

Sgt with Power weapon & Inferno pistol.

Melta gun & Inferno pistol

Squad 8:
Assault: (Yellow lightning on a black background)

Sgt with Thunder Hammer & bolt pistol (could anyone resist this dynamic figure from the DC kit?????!!!!!)

2 x flamers

I may give these boys melta bombs to back them up. But I did want them to be  "up-close and personal like"

                                                                                                Squad 9:
Devastator: (Yellow wing on a black background)

Sgt with Power weapon and bolt pistol plus auspex.

3 x Multimeltas and 1x Plasma cannon.

I want these heavies to be aggressive, probably combat squadding to move 2 of the MMs up field immediately. 

Well, there you are.
By the way, the company Insignia were single teardrops (so twice the transfer nightmare!).

I have the bits to make up the last squads ...... but .... not yet!
My sanity couldn't take it.

I will now just finish of bits and pieces at a time:
A Sanguinary Guard Squad (with Banner option)
The Sanguinator .....
Astorath The Miserable
A couple of DC (to add to my existing)
Dantes Honourguard (already based and base-coated)
A BA Sternguard Vet Squad (I have the Ferox Pattern Forgeworld Bolters)

Other big projects to do:

BA Bikes (lots for my 8th Company)
A couple of Scout Squads to put together.
The First Company/ serious Space Hulk!!!!! Yep... 100 Termies ..... "Mmmmwwwaahahahahah!"

But  for now.

Put together a BA Army for ASMoH (quickly)

It will NOT be a 15 figure Sang Guard/ Heroes of Doom army; just one I want to play.....

(I will treat myself to putting together the Stormraven though)

If you are still following ..... thanks.

Not exciting or regular/prolific posting, but it does help me. Especially as I try to keep up with the AGoGs.

BA Project - Still going (update)

Just the couple of updated photos (from a couple of days ago).

The Frag Dread with Magna Grapple, no fitted (retro-fitted).
Preds with insignia (4th Forge Company).
Dreads ready for basing.

Still some minor work for the characters. Plus basing

And the Boys need "titivation"

that was a couple of days ago. (basing is just starting with Talus (gravel).


Touch ups, detailing, transfers, squad markings, varnishing (purity seal and then 'ardcoat) and basing are all done .......................

Pictures to follow very shortly.  :)

Monday, 18 April 2011

BA Project - Still going

Yet another slow update; the dining table is constantly full (to the chagrin of the better half!) and never seems to empty.
There just seems to be no time to relax and put brush to elite warrior or armoured fighting vehicle. I have stated before, that for me; the painting is usually the hardest aspect of this hobby apart from winning games that is.
I appear to have some completion.
There are the Predator backlogs, transfers have been applied and then Purity Sealed (matt varnish spray coat).
As usual the transfer application is:
A coat of 'Ardcoat (gloss varnish)
Apply transfer
Allow to dry
Coat of 'Ardcoat over the top
then PuritySeal.

Now to revisit the four other Dreads (Moriar, Furioso, Rifleman & Standard TL Las), the other Pred and the LR Redeemer.

Only the Marines to sort out now.

Here is the state of the Librarian Dread and the Frag Cannon Dread.

The Magna Grapple now resides on the Frag Cannon Dread (it still has a Blood Fist).

Now that did take some fitting.

As the model was adapted from the AoBR Dread, with the BA front fitted on it. The hight of the shoulders was too low, so the Magna Grapple had to have its base filed down and then small gaps had to be filled, before painting and blending.

Sorry, I'll have to photo some fresh shots, because these are not quite up to date.

Now for the transfers and basing of the Marines.


Sunday, 27 February 2011

Waste not, want not .......

The redundancy and options built into the new plastic kits is a Bitz Hoarders dream now,
The kits themselves are now reasonably interchangeable with others for less; kit-bashing, more kit-blending.

Take the new Blood Angels Dreadnought ............

Allows us to build one of three main variations: Death Company Furioso, (Venerable) Furioso or the Librarian Furioso; along with the specialist weapon options and an measure of swapping capability. Even without the use of Rare Earth Magnets.

The Main limiting factor is that the Sacophagii (?sp) are distinctive for each type.
Use one, you have two left over.


Luckily, or perhaps foolishly; I have a few spares & bitz hanging around, somewhere. I thought that the Sacophagii are a similar conformation to the Assault on Black Reach (AOBR) snap-fit Dreadnought.

So let's try this out.

Armed with a sharp blade and no safety-net ("be careful Chilblains"), I emerged with all digits intact.

To the right is the AOBR Dread, with the detached Sarcophagus at the bottom; the BA (standard) Sarcophagus top (ready for fitting).

And with a dry-fit ...... not to bad.

There is still a need for re-trimming, and one of the critical points is the top (the overhanging portion) in order to get a good fit.

Plastic cement has been sufficient to weld/blend the top into a clean fit.
The sides do have a considerable gap, which could be prevented with more careful cutting when removing the original frontage. Trimming and filing of the body section has lessened the gap in this case, but minor "greenstuff" filling or even poly cement/shavings would cover this.
If needed at all; considering that the arms are going to cover this area anywho........


At the base of the sarcophagus I have used the poly cement/sprue shavings technique for a rough fill. As there was not much of a gap.
This is easily cleaned up.

So, I now have the base for a new Blood Angels Furioso, with a blood fist then probably the Frag Cannon option. Where am I going to utilise the Magna Grapple though?

The bonus is that I still have the original bits for a dedicated Librarian Furioso

" 2 dreads for the price of 1 (and a bit)!"

Now where am I going to use these?

To be continued ................. Watch this space.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

BA Project: Update (slight movement)

Well, I appear to be mired in the detailing; plus too many bits at once.
Although it is progressing well, and I have started the basing.

It is definitely not a Golden Daemom/Eavy metal entry, but I do want to get a uniformed feel to the army which it is getting to be.
Distractions with adapting the spare Baal Heavy Flamer sponsons to a TL HF Razorback mount; doesn't help either.

I am prepping for adding the BA insignia transfers, which I have cut down the need for, with the Death Company and Sanguinary Guard shoulder pads.
 Helmet designations are done, so almost ready for the field of battle... Huzzah!
Unfortunately those Blackguards at GW ("Damn their eyes!!!") have introduced more shiny stuff .... If you have been underground for the past month;..

it is the Plastic Furioso and Storm Raven kits!

YES! I have 1 each of them.
So far, only the Furioso kit is distracting me.

By the looks of these Dreads and how
they're getting on .......

Do I really need any more ...

No, but........



The thing about the new Blood Angel Furioso kit; is that it has 3 different Sarcophagii.

I don't like waste from these kits (playing Orks .. this is usually not a problem) I'm sure I can utilise at least one of those spares, to the role it was designated. 

Watch this space.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

BA Project; Slow, but progressing

As an update, I have been getting on with the new Blood Angels army.

Now I have finally picked out detailing, i.e. blacks, gun-metal drybrush, Deneb Stone basing for whites or Purity seals. As anybody knows; this is a time-consuming nause, but necessary
Apart from the Sanguinary Priests (SP), then the models are coming along nicely.
I tried pickig out the white armour only for the SP, but it didn't work, so covered them fully and will reverse the process once the armour is done.

So the Force stands at present.......................

5 1/2 Infantry Squads:
  • 2 RAS (Regular Assault Squads)
    • 1 Thunderhammer/Stormshield Sgt, 2 flamers
    • 1 Power Sword/ Inferno pistol Sgt, melta, inf pistol
  •  2 Troops
    • 1 Power Sword/ Plasma pistol Sgt, Multi-melta, melta gun.
    • 1Power Fist/ Plasma pistol Sgt, Missile Launcher, melta 
  • 1 Devestator
    • Power Axe/ Bolt pistol/Signum Sgt, 3 Multi-meltas, 1 Plasma cannon (at the moment)

  • 6x marines spare, 1 melta gun
2 Predators
  • Baal:     Assault Cannons (? HB (heavy bolter) sponsons... I haven't decided yet) 
  • Exterminator (?):   Auto Cannon, HB sponsons
4 Dreadnaughts

  • Death Company:  "Moriar the Fallen"    2 Blood Talons, Heavy Flamer, Melta gun

  • Venerable Furioso:  Heavy Flamer, Melta gun

  • "Rifleman" Dread: 2x TL (twin-linked) Auto Cannons

  • Dread: TL Lascannons

LandRaider Crusader (like I need more?!)

Death Company Tycho

2 Sanguinary Priests: 1 Flamer/ Jump pack. 1 bolt pistol.
3 Chaplains: 1 new Lemartes (much nicer than the previous model), 2 more (because they are there....), I will covert one to Power Fist/ Crozius.

So, a full half-Company (minus transports).

Enough to be going on with; methinks?

About Me

My photo
A modeller, gamer, painter; in order of preference (and more like skill as well). I usually have a huge backlog of figures and projects to get done. More often than not, I will have something waiting around for years, until "The Muse" takes hold and obsession takes over. This is then usually completed; ocassional projects do stall and are left at the basecoat and metal drybrushed stage (until I can get the drive for the detail painting). Armies i currently run are WH40K only: Orks (lots & lots & lots) Blood Angels (lots & lots) Witch Hunters (lots of Sisters of Battle) Iron Fists Space Marines (developing at approx 2000pts).